
Baked very-berry quark

- quark (150g)
- shredded coconut  (1-2 spoons)
- Berries or other fruit
- Spices (I use vanilla)
- Honey or Agave (to sweeten if you like your quark sweeter)

1) Mix the quark with the coconut (you honestly don't have to use coconut, it's just for the taste)
2) Add spices and sweetener if you like
3) Add the fruit or any other topping and put into the oven
4) Bake it for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees (until its light brown/golden on the top)


- Magerquark (150g)
- Kokosraspeln
- Beeren/andere Früchte
- Gewürze (ich verwende Vanille )
- Honig oder Agavendicksaft (wenn man es süßer mag)

1) Magerquark mit den Kokosraspeln mischen (die Kokosraspeln sind eigentlich nicht notwendig sondern nur für den Geschmack gedacht)
2) Die Gewürze und je nach belieben Honig hinzumischen
3) Die Früchte oben drauf geben und ab in den Ofen damit
4) Für 15-20 Minuten bei 200 Grad Ober- und Unterhitze backen (bis es oben leicht gold/braun ist)


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Basic Pancake Recipe

- 1 ripe banana (or any other fruit of your choice, I tried it with pear and it turned out great as well) - 1 egg
- Oats
- Toppings (like fruit, yoghurt or anything else.. be creative)
- Coconut/Olive oil

1) Cut the fruit of your choice into little pieces
2) Add the egg and some oats and pureè until it's smooth and has the typical "pancake" consitency
3) Bake it in a pan with some olive/coconut oil
4) Top it with whatever you like :)


- 1 Banane (Oder andere Frucht deiner Wahl, ich habe es auch schon mit Birne probiert und es war köstlich.)
- 1 Ei
- Haferflocken
- Kokos- oder Olivenöl
- Toppings wie zB. Früchte zum Garnieren

1) Die Frucht in kleine Stücke schneiden
2) Das Ei und die Haferflocken hinzufügen und pürieren bis es die typische "Pancake" Konsistenz hat
3) In einer Pfanne mit Oliven- oder Kokosöl herausbacken
4) Auf einen Teller geben und mit verschiedensten Garnierungen verzieren.


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Carrot-cake Oatmeal

- 30g Oats
- 150ml Milk
- about 3 shredded carrots
-Cocoa powder
-Spices and sweeteners (like honey or agave)

1)Mix the oats with the milk and spices/cocoa powder and bring it to boil (don't forget to stir)
2)Add the carrot and leave it boiling for another couple of minutes (until it has the right consistency)
3)Put everything in your bowl
4) Top it with whatever you want and add agave syrup or honey (if you like to sweeten it)


- 30g Haferflocken
- 150ml Milch
- ca. 3 geriebene Karotten
- Kakao pulver
- Gewürze und Honig/Agavendicksaft zum Süßen

1) Haferflocken, Milch und Gewürze/Kakaopulver zum kochen bringen (Unter ständigem rühren!)
2) Karotten hinzufügen und für ein paar weitere Minuten kochen lassen (bis es die richtige Konsistenz hat)
3) Alles in eine Schüssel geben
4) Beliebig topen/anrichten (Ich habe Aprikosen-Apfelmus verwendet)


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Baked Oatmeal Recipe

Ingredients - 30g Oats
- 150ml Milk
- Various Fruits
- Honey, Agave or any other sweetener
- Spices or Proteinpowder (I used vanilla extract)

1) Let the oats and milk cook
2) Add spices/protein and sweetener (don’t forget to stir)
3) Take a baking pan and spray with baking spray
4) Heat the oven at 180 degrees
5) First layer: fruit (I use bananas) , Second layer: the cooked oat-milk mix, Third layer: fruit
6) Put into the oven for about 15 minutes


- 30g Haferflocken
- 150ml Milch
- Diverse Früchte
- Honig, Agavendicksaft oder sonstiges zum Süßen
- Gewürze wie zB. Vanille für den Geschmack (wahlweise Proteinpulver)

1) Haferflocken mit Milch aufkochen lassen
2) Gewürze und Honig hinzugeben (immer schön umrühren!) 3) Eine Backofenfeste Schüssel mit Butter/Öl bestreichen damit nichts kleben bleibt
4) Backofen auf 180 Grad (Ober- und Unterhitze) vorheizen
5) 1 Schicht mit Früchten auslegen (ich nehme für die unterste Schicht immer Bananen)
6) Das aufgekochte, nun „klebrige“ Haferflocken-Milch“ Gemisch in die Schüssel geben
7) Mit Früchten belegen
8) Nun das Ganze für 15 Minuten in den Backofen


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So this basically is my first blogpost and I wanted to introduce myself with a "20 Facts about me" post. So let's start:

1. I’m a bookworm, I literally read everytime and everywhere.
2. I love traveling more than anything else. I want to see as much of the world as possible in my life.
3. If I don’t get my tea in the morning chances are big that I want to kill everyone
4. I’m a big foodlover. I love cooking, baking and especially eating.
5. I just recently found out that I can’t live without going to the gym
anymore. Which is really weird considering the fact that I always hated sports.
6. I have the best boyfriend in the entire world, period.
7. As soon as the temperature goes below 25 degrees Celcius I start to freeze.
8. That’s maybe one of the reasons why I love summer way more than any other season.
9. I’m currently living in two cities at the same time. (one is my hometown where I live with my parents, the other is the city where I live with my boyfriend to study)
10. Maybe I’m a bit of a shopaholic. (Applies more to books than clothes and shoes)
11. When I was younger I got myself a lot of piercings which I now absolutely don’t like anymore.
12. Sherlock BBC literally is the best TV series ever, y’all should go and watch it.
13. I love to take pictures of everything (especially food).
14. I collect postcards and have a postcard wall in my flat, so if you want to send me one.. feel free to do so :)
15. I hate to sleep longer than till 10 a.m. because I feel like I miss something of the day.
16. My favourite animals are sloths, llamas and cats. (yup, I have a thing for weird animals)
17. I’ve been vegetarian for 5 years but now I can’t imagine living without meat and going vegan would never be an option for me.
18. I kinda have an OCD, because I need all the things to be organized. (whether it’s on lists, my room or any other thing .. I just love my life to be organized)
19. I’m very, very emotional. I honestly cry everytime I read a book, watch a movie/series or do anything in general.
20. I wanted to make a blog since years now but for some reason I never did until now.
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